May 28th 2014 archive

The Gamemakers Enter the Games

As I lifted myself off the hard ground I heard a roar coming from the beach. I could hear the waves crashing furiously. Startled and awakened by this, I climbed up the tall tree next to me and saw a humungous wave, probably 30ft high, hurtling towards me. Without a second to think, I dropped down from the tree, grabbed my pack, and sprinted off into the other direction. Forcing all my fear down, I sprinted through the tangle of vines and creepers. I kept glancing back to see if the wave had crashed but for some odd reason it just kept getting bigger and bigger. I pushed with all my might, trying to get away from this never ending wave of doom. Finally I remembered that this whole arena was fake, and that the Gamemakers were the ones controlling the wave, not the ocean. With my mind focused on this I didn’t realize that there was large vine, and I tripped and fell. My leg got caught in the creepers and the wave crashed onto me, smacking my entire body.

Pain flashed across my body, like I had just been stabbed a hundred times. Water filled my lungs, causing me to panic. The pressure of the hit threw me up against a tree, my spine ached. With my last breath of oxygen, I pictured my Mother, and how much I would miss her. With the strong scent of the salt water filling my nostrils, and water engulfing my lungs, I blacked out.

My eyes fluttered open and a ray of sunlight blinded me. Trying to stand, searing pain shot up my back and I relaxed back down onto the soft warm sand. Coughing, I looked up to see a boy sitting on the rock next to me. I recognized him as the boy from District 11. He noticed my coughing and let a small smile crack across his face, “You know, you almost died out there in the tsunami, I saw you and pulled you out. Your back is pretty banged up though.” I smiled at him and said, “Thank you for saving my life, I owe you one. I’m J.K. Notrowling” The boy took my outstretched hand and replied “Nice to meet you, I’m Tom.”